Blog For Someone, Not About Something…

When I start a blog post, I do so with a specific person in mind. I think about that one reader that I know will read my blog post. Thinking about and connecting with just one reader helps me build momentum as a writer. I often end up with a solid draft post. At that point,…

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Bloggers: Your Audience Wants Real-time Conversation

With the Internet and social media spreading information in every direction how does a lawyer stand out? How do you get noticed among the 3 billion Google searches performed each day? First, develop a sense for where your clients and prospects tend to gather online. Second, get a feel for why they congregate on one platform over another and how…

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Start a Blog – “No, I Don’t Want to Hear Any Excuses. Just Do It.”

Here’s Nicole Black on how to reach potential clients: If you want to establish a strong online persona, Nicole would say: Decide on niche and make that your focus. Subscribe to blogs where people write on your niche. Identify your “niche” influencers and follow them. Read their blog posts, tweets and updates. Take your “online relationship offline” —…

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